The Minera Arqueros proyect was born as a Japanese-Chilean alliance, seeking to develop medium-sized copper mining with an efficient and sustainable process, which allows mineral extraction, respecting the environment and contributing to the development of local society.
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Our project
In December 2022, the Environmental Qualification Resolution for the Arqueros Project was approved. Currently, we are preparing the first stage, which consists of the preliminary work on earthworks and road improvements.
Starting in 2011, a team of professionals from Nittetsu Mining carried out several reconnaissance and exploration studies for almost 3 years. In 2014, the first drilling began, which would end up giving life to Minera Arqueros in 2018. From that moment, the initial team was formed, made up of Japanese and Chilean professionals, who would prepare the baseline to enter the SEA (Environmental Assessment Service), the Environmental Impact Study Project, which obtained its approval on December 1, 2022.