Contribuyendo al futuro próspero de la Región de Coquimbo

51 2 427000

Ley Karin

Acoso Laboral, Sexual y Violencia en el Trabajo

Ley 20.393

Prevención del Delito


Mecanismo de Consultas y Sugerencias


Mecanismo de Quejas y Reclamos



Minera Arqueros tiene un Mecanismo de CONSULTAS, SUGERENCIAS, QUEJAS Y/O RECLAMOS para recibir y responder todas las inquietudes de la comunidad del área de influencia, de manera comprensible, respetuosa, de fácil acceso y con un tiempo de respuesta determinado.

How does it work?

Through the available form, the community can send us their suggestions, complaints, queries and/or claims, which is automatically sent to the responsible area. Upon sending the information, the acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the email entered, starting the internal management process.

Haz clic en  Formulario consultas y sugerencias

Haz clic en Formulario de quejas y/o reclamos


The Arqueros Mining Project is located 72 km. from La Serena, by route CH-41, arriving at Marquesa and by route D-215 on the way to Condoriaco. It is located in the Quebrada de Arqueros, in the sector known as the Condoriaco mining district. The works of the project will be located on the border of the communes of Vicuña and La Serena.

We are actively searching for some professional profiles, through the OMIL of La Serena and Coquimbo. You can also send us the background information through the link that you will find on this Website.

Both Minera Arqueros and the Contractor companies will promote the application and hiring of local labor preference, in the case of meeting all the requested requirements.

Apply here

In the "Contact us" section you will find a form to send us queries, as well as telephone and email contact. You will also find a "Questions, suggestions, complaints and/or claims" form available, especially for residents of the surrounding areas.

At this time, we are carrying out all the previous steps to start the early works, such as contracting of basic equipment, bidding for services and construction, purchases of supplies and all the planning required to start the first works, hoping to start in November 2023. , approximately.

Contribuyendo al futuro próspero de la Región de Coquimbo